Phil Swain is a lot of things, pilot, educator, family man, and one of the best dog judges I ever had the pleasure of working with. If you are NAVHDA curious? Then this episode will get you ready to test your pup this coming year. Let's bring in the New Year with a little pup education!!
It's been a few years since Scott has been on the podcast. We catch up on new dogs, new recipes, and a little "old guys" talking about how to solve world problems.
I turned the microphone on with a whole bunch of wingshooting giants and a couple of guys named Mike! Greensburg Kansas was flattened by a tornado in 2007, but the hunters came back and so did the pheasants. We have a wild recap of the days afield with a dozen dogs and a dozen guns all supplied by CZUSA
Michiganders are lucky to have MUCC (Michigan United Conservation Club) on their side. Nick Green joins me to talk policy and how we can and should affect changes in what is so important to all sportsmen.
2020 has been a year that has test our resolve. RGS/AWS have felt this pandemic on a level that no one could have predicted. Forest management is going through its own pandemic. If we are to have wild places, we must manage them. Just like the game laws we follow, solid forest management needs us to follow and support the science behind timber/habitat work that the Ruffed Grouse Society stands for and gets behind. Please listen and learn.
Jaime Riley is a somewhat new hunter with an interesting start to the game. In the beginning, it was food-driven until he added a dog to the mix. Now he plans trips around his family and canine companion. The uplands are as diverse as the breeds we hunt with!!
I met Bill in South Dakota last month. Turns out he is one of the few dogmen out here today, that got his pointers right from the Elhew well. Listen to a bit of history with Bill and his connections to the Grouse Trial world. His girl Elhew Hustler took home top dog at the 1998 Woodcock Championship and earned a seat at the head of the table (at the Paradise resturant) !!!
Hold onto your seats. My buddy "The Ruf" joins me with his usual, wet sense of humor. The crowd tends to laugh so hard they......yeah you know. Enjoy and hope your shots are true and your dogs are making you proud.
This is a fun/silly recording I did last October with some new friends and some great dogs. Sit back and grab a drink (make it a stiff one) because we over-served ourselves, so you might as well feel like your with us!
Ryan has been a Labrador lover his whole life. And he includes them in every adventure he pursues. From elk guiding to duck blinds, his dogs have adapted to whatever the season brings. His training methods are different... but in the end, they learned what he needed out of them, and gave 100%
I am joined by Rehan Nanna. He is Garmins field representative for all things we do. Training our dogs, hunting our dogs, and thanks to Garmin we no longer spend time looking for our dogs. We throw in some dog stories and even just how bad some guns shoot (can't be our fault) even if we have lusted after that gun for years.
Sit back and learn the how and the why in the world of shotshell ballistics. If it takes ten thousand hours to master a trade, then LP Brezney is the Obi Wan Kenobi of the firearms world.
Recap of my bear hunt/grouse hunt in the rain forests of Upper Michigan.and some rambling on about how things are always better around a campfire!
I stop by Krystal Creek Kennels for a visit/ free night of lodging, and the next thing ya know, I dig out the recorder after dinner and drinks. Al &Tracey Harmeyer are always fun to visit with. I only wish I lived closer to them. When you join their, Wisconsin NAVHDA chapter, you get real help, even during a pandemic!!
Dr. Seth Bynum goes over some of the most common questions in K9 health and goes down a few rabbit holes with me. be ready for the season, arm yourself with knowledge. You don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to own a dog, but some tip from Seth and some common sense will go a long way!!
Mark Cushing's book Pet Nation hits the store this week. It is a book that will open your eyes to the impact dogs have had on our lives, health, and society! From the backyard to the bedroom and ever the boardroom in some cases. Full of great info for the new or lifelong dog owner.
Brent Pike joins me to talk about Pyke Gear's addition to their website. PGs website has added a PDF file for the traveling wingshooter. Unless you only hunt in your backyard? this will give you some tips and tricks to find more places and birds. then we talk about some of our worst trips and companions that make or break a hunting trip. Finally we hear whats new and next in the Pyke Gear line up!
This is the first time that I have ever interviewed two fellow judges and two apprentice judges after a very long day of following dogs. You will get a feel for how and why we spend our free time evaluating dogs.
Whatever you think you know about bird dogs. May have a bit of truth but listen to the common sense of Justin, to round out your knowledge.
Sean Curran of RGS/AWS helps kick off the largest membership drive of the year. You cant put it off any longer. If you shoot a wild bird in this country, you owe it to the habitat organization that supports that bird. if it's your bird, then it's your duty.
Ever think I could shorten up my intros? This one turned into the entire recording. Actually a listener sent me a list of training myths. So I dove into them with my usual finesse!! enjoy August is almost here...
CZ-USA invited me to attend the SCTP Championship. What an eye-opening experience. 1800 kids competing from around the country. This is the other side of the shotgunning world!!
Austin Choate joins me to introduce the newest product for waterfowlers, from Redneck. Me being a comfort-based hunter in my golden years, I see way more possibilities. Dove, Turkey, and Pigeons. This blind is so well constructed and roomy that I am adding a satellite dish, stove, and frig.
I get asked almost weekly if this breed is all they are cracked up to be. So I called George Decosta, to find out the why. And while we're at it we dig deep into the pro's and the con's Yes popularity can be a con. listen and learn.
The levy is breeching and we need your help with the sandbags. This is a really important episode that requires your thoughts, your input, and your support.