Listen up and take action. Ben Jones, CEO of RGS, AWS jumps on to give us the State of the Union report of my favorite conservation organization! and a few stories about the new dogs in our kennels.
Tom Davis has being writing about wing shooting for over three decades. But his history of hunting started out long before. Growing up in rural Iowa in the 1960's the need for Plot books or permission, was rarely needed. Pheasants and Quail were literally at the bird feeder of his boyhood home. It was only natural that they became is first quarry. Along with his Irish Setter, Tom lived a life in the uplands, like Huck Finn lived on the Mississippi.
Join me as I travel through the second part of all the dogs I've owned and what I learned along the way. I hope all the dogs you have or will own, can give you what mine have to me. A life filled with laughs, friends, trips, and a few birds in your vest.
From a recent gift that a listener sent me, I needed to compile a list of all the dogs that have been a part of my life. So here is a not so brief history of yours truly and the the dogs that shape my life, and the lives of others.
Hands down, my trip to North Dakota goes into my top 5 all time hunting trips. What was different about this trip was, I came home with 2 birds and one of them was given to me! The real limits are the memories that I brought home. Taking an old dog out for what may be his last season. A young dog that showed me her stuff. And a inexperienced dog that showed me she is ready to step up to the plate and hit some home runs in the future. And new friends that will become old friends.