Todd Kellam is not only an old friend of mine, he also happens to be the vice president of the United Kennel Club. We do a little reminiscing of the old days and our Wirehairs and make a few announcements that may surprise you! and the next day we go grouse hunting....
"There I go again" in the words of Bob Seger I'm turning another page in my passion for bird dogs. This breed, the Wirehaired Vizsla wormed it's way into my heart a few years ago. Then by some series of events, that always seems to dictate my next dog choice, I find myself back in the game with a new pup. And what a pup he is!!!
The North American Pudelpointer Alliance NAPPA is a group of breeders that not only raise their own standards, but also clean under the sofa and behind the fridge. Bob Farris catches us up with the breed, the breeders and some thoughts on what he would like to see in the dog world.
Garmin set's the bar a little higher! This time it's the new compact and versatile Alpha 10 Rehan Nana joins me for a product review of the newest addition to the Garmin line-up. This unit does everything except feed your dogs. Go into the season with some high-tech peace of mind.