2020 has been a year that has test our resolve. RGS/AWS have felt this pandemic on a level that no one could have predicted. Forest management is going through its own pandemic. If we are to have wild places, we must manage them. Just like the game laws we follow, solid forest management needs us to follow and support the science behind timber/habitat work that the Ruffed Grouse Society stands for and gets behind. Please listen and learn.
Jaime Riley is a somewhat new hunter with an interesting start to the game. In the beginning, it was food-driven until he added a dog to the mix. Now he plans trips around his family and canine companion. The uplands are as diverse as the breeds we hunt with!!
I met Bill in South Dakota last month. Turns out he is one of the few dogmen out here today, that got his pointers right from the Elhew well. Listen to a bit of history with Bill and his connections to the Grouse Trial world. His girl Elhew Hustler took home top dog at the 1998 Woodcock Championship and earned a seat at the head of the table (at the Paradise resturant) !!!
Hold onto your seats. My buddy "The Ruf" joins me with his usual, wet sense of humor. The crowd tends to laugh so hard they......yeah you know. Enjoy and hope your shots are true and your dogs are making you proud.
This is a fun/silly recording I did last October with some new friends and some great dogs. Sit back and grab a drink (make it a stiff one) because we over-served ourselves, so you might as well feel like your with us!