Sam Wiest is a long time bird hunter, that opened his heart and mind to hunting with dogs that other people abandoned. His journey is one of true love for the dog. Sam purchased dogs when he started out, but when his wife started helping find homes for dogs that no one wanted, a few bird dogs were thrown into the mix. He has stepped up to the plate and hit some home runs with his adopted companions.
You cant argue with results. NAPPA (N.American Pudel Pointer Alliance) is without a doubt, a formula for sucess. I can only hope to bring my favorite breed up to this stantard. We also go down memory lane about our years in NAVHDA and some of our favorite characters.
Beside being a long time NAVHDA judge, Bob started NAPPA The North American Pudelpointer Alliance. Along with a handful of concerned owners and breeders of one of the truly versatile breeds, they formed a group of like minded breeders that set their own goals and standards.
The alliance has turned out amazing hunting companions to hunters all across America. The philosopy of NAPPA is one to aspire to. Over the years these dedicated breeders continue to raise the bar on themselves, and the test results speak loud and clear. We also go through many of our favorite times in the NAVHDA organization. and we review his new book " Breeding&Training Versatile Hunting Dogs-For Hunting and Hunt Tests"
I am a total fan of combat sports, I talked with a legend of the UFC. Chad is a world class wrestler, and UFC competitor. but more importantly he is a hunter at heart. His upbringing in the outdoors may be why he has what it take to step into the Octagon. From an early age, he was either competing or following his Dad in the mountains of California chasing deer.