I sit down with my friend Al Harmeyer. Besides being the hardest working man I know, he is also a professional trainer, and applies that work ethic to helping folks with their K9 partners. Krystal Creek Kennels in Cedar Grove Wisconsin is where he lives and trains birds to all levels needed to compete, test, of simply getting your dog tuned up for hunting season. We tell a few old stories, but mostly Al answers questions from listeners of the HDP.
We continued our conversation about Craigs travels and observations about our favorite animal. Rich history of the development of the pointing breeds in Europe.
We touch on hunt tests, breeders, and those who traveled back to North America to hunt with Craig.
The most indepth discussion about the history of bird dogs. Craig made 12 trips to Europe to compile this book. It is without parallel, in the dog world. And if you just like pictures and dont read?? your in luck. over 400 photos. We talk about what he experianced and how he put this together.