Great talk with Courtney about the breed she hunts, trains, and tests. The German Longhaired pointer is a sleeper in this country, but in Europe it has proven itself to be a true versatile hunting companion. Along with being the breed warden for Deutsch Langharr North America, Courtneyis also the Hunting Heritage Program manager for Pheasants Forever. We get into the nuts and bolts of the breed and her mission with Pheasants Forever.
I contacted you a few years ago regarding obtaining a German long haired pointer. We have had many dogs over the years but the one I liked best was a male GLHP which lived to thirteen years. We have decided to get another GLHP. We would consider an older dog that might be looking for a new home. I do hunt birds but we would consider a male or female which did not make the grade as a hunting dog. We are not necessarily interested in a breeding dog but would consider that if it was in the club’s interest. We would also consider a puppy. We live in a rural area in SW New Brunswick Canada. I’m hoping you will be able to help us.
Ken Waiwood
(506). 529-3107