After 3 days of watching the end of our rod tips, we get the recorder out to catch the grove of the cove. Actually, Matt hooked an 80 pounder, and I stuck the harpoon in it. other than that, we just struggled.
This will be great information to not only NAVHDA members. It will give any dog owner some insights on reading your dog. Great explanations on everything from search, pointing, nose and all the mysteries of what judges see and what handlers think!! Enjoy and take notes. Blaine has been hunting, testing, breeding and judging dogs longer than most of my listeners have been on this planet!
Finally got to sit down and swap a few stories with a colorful, funny and serious dogman. Kevin and I met in Nashville for the BHA pint night. We shared a few stories with the crowd, then met at Adam's Ammunition plant to talk a bit more about our life with hunting dogs. Found out that he even has two English Setters! I forgot to ask him if they retrieved???
I squeezed in a trip while visiting the family in Pensacola. The Hardscrabble Plantation is in the part of Florida known as Lower Alabama. Old school pine plantations make for challenging wingshooting. and when in season, migrating Woodcock (probably the ones I missed) from the great white north, make their winter home in some of the nastiest swamp cover I have ever seen.
Got to spend time with a family of falconers, who also rehab injured birds of prey. Nathan Barnes is one of a select few falconers, who is licensed to handle, hunt and rehabilitate Eagles!! They even have a 23-year-old falcon that lives in their family room! and Tyler Webster of B3 joins me to co-host.
This was after the moonshine kicked in, we did a live Instagram. I have know idea what is on this recording. Good thing there are no guidelines for doing a podcast. Cause if there was, we crossed the centerline.
Great conversation with RGS friends after the Pint Night. Why we do what we do. Why we need to do more. Why not join now!!
Audio difficulties forced me to postpone this weeks episode. Just some rambling and a trip down memory lane to the first episode I ever recorded
My buddy Dave Utzinger popped over to visit and help answer a few questions from listeners. We had more fun than a fat man at an all you can eat buffet. Dave brought some moonshine to sample, and the rest is history.
Great info on two organizations that not only support hunters, habitat and wild places. RGS and BHA are fighting our fight. If you sit on the sidelines and wonder what you can do for hunting, conservation and future generations, look no further. We need YOU!!!
Paul and I go deep into all kinds of dogs. From bite dogs to bomb dogs to bird dogs. Paul's background is rare in today's world. Retired from hunting down criminals, and always training bird dogs, Paul shares some stories and knowledge about dog training. We even learn about rat hunting!!
I really liked getting into the Paleo side of hunting with dogs. Brett is about as hardcore about trailing lions and bears, as the country that he hunts. New Mexico can be a rough, drying and unforgiving a place. Brett has lived and hunted off the grid more than most folks. Great stories about dogs, mules and rattlesnakes, oh, and the occasional lion.
This was probably the best Q&A we have done so far. Listen,learn and apply this to your dog training.
Another epic Q&A with the best dog trainer I have ever met. We dive into listeners questions. Justin is that trainer who walks the walk. No shortcuts, no miracles, no bullshit. Simply the guy who trains for the love of dogs, and helps you get to the field with your dog for a day's hunting.
This time I visit Bob in person. We go a little deeper into the breed, breeding, breed clubs and all things rare breed. He even let me borrow a young dog for a seminar!! Some people won't lend you their truck. Bob Farris's picture should be in the dictionary under "Dogman"
This episode gave me the green light to try chukar hunting. At 74 years young, he hunts all season in Oregon. he uses shorthairs, carries his shotgun on a sling and a camera in his hand. if Chuckar hunting was a martial art, John would be a 5th-degree black belt.
When Anna dipped her toe into the upland world, she had no idea what it would bring. She is a now the mom to four bird dogs, competitive sport clays shooter. CZ USA Ambassador and NSCA & NRA shooting instructor. See what happens when you love dogs!!
Lost episode and two important announcements. I talked with the CEO of AyA shotguns last fall,
Anthony Hauck, Director of public relations for Pheasant & Quail forever, joins me for a great conversation about all things habitat and all things English Cocker. I will be hunting Minnesota this year!!!
The Michigan NAVHDA guys got together for a card game. As usual, no cards were dealt, but a lot of stories were dealt throughout the evening. Just what a group of dog loving friends do in the offseason.
MUCC has been fighting for sportsmen since the 1930s. if only all states had such a group in their state capitol, hunters across the country would be more informed, more united, and we would have a voice that supports our passions nationally. Pay attention and get involved.
After walking my backwoods with Ben Schram and Rod Denning, we sat down in the kennel to talk about timber practice and conservation. Ben's Wirehairs and the saying here in grouse country. "Habitat starts at the edge of a chainsaw"
So glad I was able to get Bill on the microphone. At NAVHDAs 50th annual meeting, Bill gives us a snapshot of his 40 years as member and judge. growing up just miles from where we recorded this, it made me long to get in a time machine to see Bill shoot at his first duck from right outside the hotel window. Enjoy
I had Robin on the show a few years ago. He is now in North Carolina and bringing his methods to the eyes of many. This one was done at his new facility, I had a look-see around his place and then sat down for a Q&A about training dogs with an Old World style. I will be having Robin on again in the future.
Lots of driving,lots of laughs and how to pass a NAVHDA test with only a few hours to practice. I traveled to the Tarheels Chapter to run Bravo in a UPT test. afterwards, we cleaned out the bird pens with a fun hunt. Taffy and Rodney got to find some birds, flushing style. The we used some proper dogs to fill the cooler with birds. With a few beers down,we hit the record button.