Great talk with Courtney about the breed she hunts, trains, and tests. The German Longhaired pointer is a sleeper in this country, but in Europe it has proven itself to be a true versatile hunting companion. Along with being the breed warden for Deutsch Langharr North America, Courtneyis also the Hunting Heritage Program manager for Pheasants Forever. We get into the nuts and bolts of the breed and her mission with Pheasants Forever.
I still need to pinch myself, that I was able to spend time with a legend of the dog training world. Delmar was born into a world that most,or all of us can't wrap our minds around. A life of working with animals and the natural world. His simple approach to training has brought him fame, but his approach to life is what made him who he his. A true dogman and a true people person. If i never do another interview, I will have zero regrets. Enjoy
This interview was inspiring, in fact, it helped me rethink my own passions for dogs and birds. Randy lost most of his right leg to cancer about 9 years ago, but he never lost his drive or his passion for bird hunting. he is NOT a handicapped hunter!!!! He is a true sportsman with a will to continue, his motto is "get busy living" It might be karma, but he finally has a Setter that retrieves to hand!!!!
I hit the record button during our (almost monthly) card game. A bunch of my NAVDA training/hunting buddies, tell a few stories about first dogs, best dogs, and who's the worst wingshot. might be some PG13 language. and not politically correct dog stories.