Brent Pike brings us some info on the Michigan Sharptail Grouse Association. On top of being president of our local RGS chapter, Brent is helping the MSTGA to get new members to sign up and help promote a great group of conservationists/hunters to help yet another cause. Bringing awareness to the sharptail grouse and its future here in Michigan. We also talk guns, gun fit, pointers that dont retrieve and some of our favorite hunting stories.
Robin Watson gives us the low down on English Labs and his life long passion of working,breeding,testing and hunting with Labs,Cockers and Spainels. From 5 years old he has been involved with the hunting lifestyle. Now here in the USA Robin is the managing director of canine operations for British Gundogs on a 7000 acre training and hunting facility. Listen and learn
Very interesting way to hunt turkeys. Tracey is a well rounded hunter. So well rounded he uses his dogs to pursue his favorite upland bird. I will be trying this in the fall!!! might get my first Michigan turkey. We also talk about a couple of dogs that Tracey bought from me when I was a very novice breeder. He may join in the class action law suit with many others who got some of my first pups.
Steffan has owned more dogs than me!!! Always a hound dog lover, but dabbles in Versatiles and Earthdogs as well. Very interesting dog man, with a very understanding wife!! Runs dogs as much as a person can,and still work and raise a family.
A short thank you from me, and a short talk on how lucky we all are to see our dogs thru their entire life cycle. So many times I read a note about how people's dogs have passed. I reflect on how, if were lucky,we get to experience this many times. and a new promo to get stories from YOU and have them read on a future podcast. I will be back in full podcast mode soon. Just had a little thing call work that screwed of my recording schedule. Thanks for listening